The main emphasis of unit 9 Investigating Childhood: Action Research for Early Childhood Practitioners is on the development of the knowledge and skills required to undertake research actions in the early settings of childhood. The research action is a cyclic and reflective approach that makes the practices empire to identify the challenges, changes implementation and exploration of solutions to improve the learning and development of children. The curriculum of Pearson set has the main focus on the hands-on approach that encourages the practitioners to take the professional development ownership while outcomes improvement of the families and children.
This unit identifies the processes and principles of the research action that include identification of the focus of research, interventions in planning, analysing and collecting data and outcomes evaluation. The learners have great guidance to examine critically the existing practices, using the ethical methods of research and engagement of stakeholders including colleagues, families and children. The curriculum also sheds light on the significance of reflective criticism which encourages the practitioners to consider the with through which they have their own voices and values impacting the practices and findings of the research.
At the end of this unit, the learners will increase their skills for conducting the meaningful action research projects which can identify the issues of the real world in early education on childhood. They also generate the potentials in the decision making which is based on appearance and providing a continuous improvement culture within the settings. This unit also makes the traditional early childhood with innovative tools and advocates for the appropriate practices which has contributed to the broad field of early education with the help of reflective and informed research.
Unit Aims
The main aims of unit: 9 investigating childhood: action research for early childhood practitioners are demonstrated here:
- To equip learners with the potential to implement evaluate and design the action project research for addressing the early education challenges.
- To provide critical reflection among the practitioners to recognise their influence on their ethical practices and values on the learning and development of children.
- To encourage collaboration with stakeholders that include colleagues, families and children to generate inclusive and effective solutions for early setting childhood.
- To make practitioners able to use research for informed decision making, continuous improvement, and advocacy for the procreate practices in early education childhood.
Learning Outcomes
Here are the main learning outcomes of unit: 9 investigating childhood: action research for early childhood practitioners.
LO1: Discuss an area of early childhood education and care practice for which a small-scale action research project can be undertaken.
Learning outcome 1 of the unit has the main aim to discuss the domains of early practice care and childhood education to address the various issues such as:
- Problems influencing the well-being and health of children on a global national or local scale.
- The influence of policy or new policy on care practice and early education ECEC
- Shift to recognise the influence of various factors on the learning and development of children.
- Innovative procedures for working in ECEC
- Influence of innovative technology on the development and progress of children and on the provision of services.
Changing paradigms of career leadership
- Adaptation paradigms in terms of the tools used in observing and assessing the progress and development of children.
- Continuity and progression from the ECEC to Expectations and curricula of the later education stages.
- Difference between the various countries regarding the schooling starting age and ECEC
Early childhood transition
- Practitioners` qualification at the time of working in the sector of ECEC
- The process of literature review and its connection to the development of action research project
- Identification of the topic consideration to the relevant recent practices, best children outcomes and practicalities of project conducting.
The use and purpose of the literature review
- Analytical and critical thinking skills
- Skills of academic research
- Rights on practical approach
- Certifying the appropriate approach to practice
- Being recent with up-to-date controversies and issues including policy
- Recognising the policy no ends and its impact on practice
- Significant ideas in action research
Researchers and practices
- Advocates as professionals- a question asking, producing and analysing relevant evidence or data for supporting children`s progress and decision-making.
- Conducting research action
- Cyclic nature of research in evidence-based
LO2: Explore a range of data collection tools for early childhood education and care
The main aim of Learning Outcome 2 is to identify the range of tools for data collection such as
- Methods
- Sampling
- Data collection
- Designs justification
- Positivists
- Paradigms
- Constructivists
- Interpretivist
- Using and designing Data Collection tools
- Observations
- Interview
- Questionnaires
- Surveys
- Internet used for research
- Certifying solid research
- Reliability
- Validity
- Triangulation
LO3: Review the ethical considerations associated with undertaking action research in
early childhood education and care.
The overview of the use and purposes of the research ethics
- Ethical guidelines and reviewing ethics in research
- Identification of ethical considerations in the project of own research
- Beneficent and maleficence
- Considered benefits and harm to own project of research
- Confidentiality and anonymity
- Significant definitions
- Certifying confidential
- Certifying anonymity
- Reflexivity, bias, deception
- The significance of informed consent
- Stating new position - researcher bias
- Questioning the influence on the project
- Rights
- Rights of children
- Rights of participants
- Permissions
- Gatekeepers
- Right to project withdraw
- Sharing findings
- Ethical writings
- Ethical writing use of delivery ethical guidelines of the institution
- Ethics policies and procedures, purposes, boards
- International and international ethical guidelines for the research
LO4: Conduct a small-scale action research project in early education and care setting.
The main aim of the learning outcome for a student`s actions on the project of research which are on a small scale in the care setting through:
- Research conduction
- Getting started
- Studies of pilot
- Interviews transcription
- Software
- Issues
- Results and finding description
- Subheadings
- Using appendices
- Stating significant findings
Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria of unit: 9 investigating childhood: action research for early childhood practitioners is associated with the learning outcomes such as.
LO1: Discuss an area of early childhood education and care practice for which a small-scale action research project can be undertaken.
- 1.1 Explain how action research can be used to enhance practice in early education and care settings.
- 1.2 Justify an area of practice in own setting to explore for an action research project using relevant research-based evidence.
- 1.3 Critically compare published studies in the chosen research area towards identifying a robust set of research questions to explore.
- 1.4 Critically evaluate and justify own choices of data collection methods in relation to answering own research questions.
LO2: Explore a range of data collection tools for early childhood education and care
- 2.1 Discuss different methodological approaches used in early childhood education and care research.
- 2.2 Choose relevant data collection tools for own project, accurately underpinned by evidence to support their use.
- 2.3 Critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of different methodological approaches used in early childhood education and care research.
LO3: Review the ethical considerations associated with undertaking action research in early childhood education and care.
- 3.1 Explain the ethical tensions of conducting research in early childhood education and care.
- 3.2 Apply the ethical considerations which relate to your own research towards ensuring the best outcomes for the child.
- 3.3 Justify own strategies used to ensure ethical research and that the best outcomes for the child are paramount.
- 3.4 Critically evaluate the small-scale action research project, making recommendations for future practice and research towards ensuring the best outcomes for the child.
LO4: Conduct a small-scale action research project in an early education and care
- 4.1 Undertake own small-scale action research project.
- 4.2 Discuss findings from own study including recommendations for any changes for future study.
- 4.3 Critically discuss the effectiveness of own small-scale action research project and potential impact on own practice.
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