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The professional practice unit is the crucial and core unit of the art and design in the curriculum which focuses on the knowledge and skills of essential development for success in the creative industry. This unit is designed to assist students in recognising the professional contact for the selected discipline. Moreover, it focuses on ethics and standards of the industry with practices in business. It also gives a great introduction to the maintenance significance of professional portfolio, networking and sticking to the copyright and legislation consideration within the sector creativity. With the help of practical assignments and case studies the students can increase their explicit perspective on the way through which they can present the effective and real-world challenges navigation.

This unit also provokes the learners to reflect on their improvement areas and strengths by conducting peer evaluation and self-assessment. These phenomena assist the learners in generating confidence and provide the entrepreneur mindset. It makes the students able to generate Strategies for professional and personal growth. The assignment also gives the stimulation towards real-life scenarios that include proposal generating, response to the briefs and client relationship management to improve communication skills and problem-solving. This experience is significant for certifying a student to be ready for the industry upon graduation.

Unit 32 also prepares students to approach their professionalism and adaptability in their careers. With the help of recent trend engagement, exploration of various career paths and skills of essential achievement of the business the learners can get better equipment to indulge in the competitive art and landscape designing. This unit is relaying on the basis for lifelong learning with installation for availability and innovation sense which are significant attributes for success in the creative field.

Unit Aims

The main aims of the unit 32 professional practice are to enable learners about the strategies of art and craft according to Pearson set in HND.

  • To aqueous students with professional standard knowledge practices and ethics in the craft and art industry to prepare for the initial challenges of the real world.
  • To provide the recognition of the significant business concepts that include intellectual property contracts and copyrights which are crucial for creative professionals.
  • To motivate the learners for practical skills development like creation of portfolio networking and effect of communication for navigation of successful career opportunities.
  • To make learners able to identify the areas of improvement and strength with an available entrepreneurial Mindset of ongoing professional development.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the unit 32 professional practice are given here:

LO1: Review own skills and abilities in support of future employment or self-employment.

The learning outcome 1 of the unit professional practices has the main criteria which need to be greater with the following aspects:

  • Plan of personal development
  • Aspirations of career
  • To map skills for particular job rules
  • Trends in career
  • Options for career
  • Placement or work shadowing

LO2: Investigate business structures, legal frameworks and legislation to construct a business plan.

The second learning outcome of the unit is to identify the legislative framework and business structures in:

  • Models of small business
  • Market requirements
  • Mission statement
  • Usp
  • Approaches of market
  • Creative work costing
  • Forecast of cash flow
  • Professional bodies of art or creative
  • Grants
  • Membership
  • Tax liabilities
  • VAT or tax
  • Sole trader or self-employed
  • Legalities
  • Insurance of public liabilities
  • Insurance of professional indemnity
  • Contract or record-keeping
  • Intellectual property (eg. Licensing laws and copyright)

LO3: Develop material to support future employment or self-employment.

Learning outcome 3 has the main aim to generate the material for supporting self-employment or future employment such as:

  • Portfolio
  • Digital
  • Print
  • Moving or still
  • Social networking
  • Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
  • Professional networking
  • Linkedin, Behance
  • Blogging
  • Material of marketing
  • Competitions
  • CV
  • Contact employees
  • Application letters
  • Personal or artist statement

LO4: Present own skills, abilities and work to an employer or client.

The main aim of learning outcome 4 is to generate the work potential and skills of the client or employers such as:

  • Dress for success
  • Interview preparation
  • Presentations or client interviews
  • Getting feedback on the interview
  • Evaluation and reflection of the development and own work

Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria of unit 32 professional practice in arts and crafts have a great affiliation to its learning outcomes:

LO1: Review own skills and abilities in support of future employment or self-employment.

  • 1.1 Evaluate own skills and abilities related to future employment aspirations.
  • 1.2 Explore career opportunities specific to specialist areas of study.
  • 1.3 Create a career plan, recognising progression opportunities.
  • 1.4 Evaluate own skills, abilities and development needs for future employment or self-employment.

LO2: Investigate business structures, legal frameworks and legislation to construct a business plan

  • 2.1 Explore business structures, legal frameworks and legislation related to the creative industries.
  • 2.2 Develop a business plan related to your own area of specialist study.
  • 2.3 Evaluate a business plan in relation to existing and projected market forces.

LO3: Develop material to support future employment or self-employment.

  • 3.1 Create a portfolio of work, highlighting creative and technical skills.
  • 3.2 Develop a CV/resumé, showing professional experience, education and other skills in support of future employment.
  • 3.3 Justify the content of portfolio and CV/resumé in relation to planned future employment or self-employment.
  • 3.4 Critically analyse own performance in presentation and/or interview, identifying areas for improvement and future development.

LO4: Present own skills, abilities and work to an employer or client.

  • 4.1 Present a portfolio of work to a potential employer or client.
  • 4.2 Justify suitability for employment or project appointment based on experience, education and skills.
  • 4.3 Evaluate own skills and knowledge based on analysis of employer or client feedback.

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