Generating joyful and memorable experiences for the customer screw shall for the growth and perfect ability of hospitality in organisations. That recognition of the factors with impact the decision of customers plays a significant role in operations and marketing within the sector of hospitality. This unit focuses on enhancing the potential of students to understand the decision-making process of consumers. It initiates from the understanding of the requirements to the evaluation which is post-purchase. By grasping of all this knowledge makes the students able to be equipped with the strategies implementation which are aligned with the organisational success drive and customer expectations.
This unit also deals with the frameworks which are underpinned by consumer behaviour and motivate students to apply all these concepts to the scenarios of the real world. It includes the experiences of students in their personal lives. This approach is practical which makes learners discover the way of consumer research, alternatives of evaluation making the decision to purchase and reflect on the experience of customers afterwards. With the help of making a bridge between practical applications and theoretical knowledge, students can generate a strong understanding of the dynamics of consumers. It is for shaping the strategies of marketing and improving the delivery of service in the competitive industry of hospitality.
With the help of successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able to recognise knowledge and skills which are significant for popping out their perspective of career. Whether learners are going to aspire to an independent business establishment or find out the roles within the organisation of the hospitality, and behaviour of consumers and generate the strategies which are customer-centric. This potential assists them in meeting and anticipating the requirements which are invaluable for loyalty fostering. Moreover, it increases the profit availability and achieves growth which is long-term in that dynamic hospitality world.
Unit Objectives
The main objectives of unit 19 hospitality consumer behaviour and insight into hospitality management are given here:
- To develop our detailed understanding of the process included in consumer decision making from the recognition of need to the post-purchase evaluation within the industry of hospitality.
- To apply and learn the significant frameworks and theories of consumer behaviour to the scenarios of real-world hospitality. It enhances the practical knowledge and skills of problem-solving.
- To make learners able to identify the consumer knowledge for developing the strategies of marketing which meet the expectations of customers and drive the success of the organisation.
- To generate knowledge and skills crucial for the advancement of career whether through the roles or ventures of independent business in the organisation of hospitality.
Learning Outcomes
The main learning outcomes of unit 19 hospitality consumer behaviour and insight are demonstrated here.
LO1: Examine the factors that influence hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes.
The main purpose of learning outcomes is to shape the attitude and behaviour of the customers in the sector of hospitality. These factors include personal cultural social and psychological impacts which drive the choices of customers. By identifying all these factors, the learners can increase their knowledge of the way through which the customers can perceive the services from decision-making and preferences. This knowledge is crucial for designing the hospitality provided to align with the customer`s expectations that improve the loyalty and satisfaction of guests.
LO2: Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a hospitality context, including the decision-making process.
The focus of learning outcomes too is on making students able to map the path of consumers to buy-in the context of hospitality. It also includes the recognition of the stages of decision making for example information search, need understanding, alternatives evaluation, post purchase and purchase evaluation. By having the skills of this process, students have the anticipation of the requirements at each strategy and stage of development. It provides guidance to them for making the favourable decisions of purchases. This skill is significant for customer experience improvement and driving the growth of business.
LO3: Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the hospitality consumer decision-making process.
The main purpose of the learning outcome 3 is to make learners equip with the potential to evaluate and conduct research methods which can provide knowledge into the behaviour of consumers. The student will acquire the way to analyse and gather the data to identify the significant influences on the decisions of customers. This knowledge assists the learners in generating the target strategies of marketing and improving the delivery of service. It certifies to stay with the competitive business in the dynamic industry.
LO4: Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the hospitality consumer decision-making process.
The main aim of learning outcome 4 is to make marketers able to impact every stage of the decision-making process of the consumer. It includes the use of particular tools such as personalized experience, promotion, feedback and advertising mechanisms through which the perception of customers can shape and motivate loyalty. Recognition of all these strategies of marketing makes students able to design campaigns which address the needs of customers effectively and provide the relationship which is lasting.
Assessment criteria
Each of the learning outcomes has a great association with the assessment criteria of unit 19 hospitality consumer behaviour and insight such as:
LO1: Examine the factors that influence hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes.
- 1.1 Investigate the different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes within a hospitality context.
- 1.2 Explore how consumer trends are changing due to the impact of digital technology.
- 1.3 Analyse how cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes are changing and driving trends in hospitality.
- 1.4 Critically analyse the emerging trends in consumer behaviour and attitudes using specific examples from the hospitality industry to support your arguments.
LO2: Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a hospitality context, including the decision-making process.
- 2.1 Examine the stages of the consumer decision-making journey and map a path to purchasing for a given hospitality service.
- 2.2 Explore why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand consumer decision-making in the hospitality sector.
- 2.3 Evaluate how marketers are responding to the decision-making process, applying relevant examples from the hospitality sector.
- 2.4 Critically evaluate the application of appropriate theories, concepts and models that influence and impact upon the hospitality decision-making process, supported by specific hospitality examples and contexts
LO3: Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the hospitality consumer decision-making process.
- 3.1 Compare and contrast the key differences of the hospitality decision-making process in the context of B2C and B2B, using specific hospitality examples.
- 3.2 Evaluate the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for understanding the decision-making process.
- 3.3 Provide a coherent and justified evaluation of how different factors influence hospitality decision-making and buying behaviour, supported by specific hospitality examples.
LO4: Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the hospitality consumer decision-making process.
- 4.1 Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of the hospitality decision-making process giving specific hospitality examples.
- 4.2 Critically evaluate how marketers influence each stage of the decision-making process with reference to relevant methods and models applied.
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