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The unit 18 research project in the diploma of HND for hospitality management has the main goal to deepen the understanding of the students for supply chain management. It is significant in the sector of hospitality. The focus of the unit is on the path through which affected supply chain management supports the growth and demands of operation for global business hospitality. Globalisation has increased the complexity of business and hospitality organisations should provide strong supplies and management practices for maintaining the quality of service and meet the expectations of customers throughout the world. This unit increases the knowledge of students in the process of logistics that drives the seamless operations of hospitality. Moreover, the learners will explore the essential contribution of supply chain management to the satisfaction of customers and the profitability of business.

This unit assists the learners in examining the benefits and purpose of supply chain management for the organisation of hospitality and their relationship with suppliers and customers. This unit deals in the various ways of useful supply chain practices to assist the inventory management streamline, improve reliability of service and reduce cost. Students acquire about the strategies of supply chain management which increase the customer experience through certifying the quality and time delivery of the services and products. In addition, the unit also highlights the sustainability practice significance in supply chain management that addresses how efficient practice is supply chain. Moreover, the contribution of long-term value for the stakeholders and Hospitality business.

The skills of practical employability are focused on providing learners with hands-on Knowledge in developing implementing controlling and designing the supply chain process. Analysis of real-world models of supply chain management increases the practical knowledge of the learners in supply chain management efficiently. It prepares them to tackle the challenge of supply chain management in the industry of hospitality. This unit motivates the learners to think about the future of supply chain management. Its particular concern is with the innovation and emerging trends which can improve the resilience of the supply chain. With this exploration, the students will prepare to make decisions on supply chain management having the contribution to operational efficiency and strategic growth of hospitality organisations.

Unit Aims

The main aim of the unit 18 research project in hospitality management is to improve learning patterns with innovation.

  • To generate a deep supply chain management principle knowledge having a focus on its importance within the industry of hospitality.
  • To explore the contribution of supply chain management with its operational efficiency, competitive advantage and customer satisfaction in the Global market.
  • To assist learners with the designing management and implementing skills of supply chain process having a focus on hospitality setting application.
  • To investigate future innovations and trends in supply chain management preparing the learners to attack the evolving sustainability and demand challenges within the sector of hospitality.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the unit 18 research projects are demonstrated below with the potent and advanced concepts of hospitality management.

LO1: Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process.

  • Definition of supply chain
  • Introduction to supply chain management
  • Distinction between the manufacturing and service sectors of the supply chain.
  • Significant principles of supply chain management
  • Utilising lean principles of the supply chain to improve the competitive advantage
  • Affected sustainable and efficient Resource Management and Planning
  • Acquiring capital investment and working capital
  • Selecting the most accurate strategy for example generating raw ingredients or purchasing readymade or partially processed
  • Analysing appropriate supply sources at the accurate time and accurate place when needed.
  • The connection between product delivery and forecasting demands or services to customers
  • Environmental and ethical factors.
  • The real-time use of an automated delivery system of notification for monitoring and tracking the product delivery.
  • The barcode scanning application, smartphones and digital cameras in delivery operations and warehouse storage.

LO2: Conduct and analyse research relevant to a service industry research project.

  • Supply chain management
  • Connection with logistics and supplier providers
  • Service sector management supply chain versus supply chain manufacturing sector management
  • Effective supply chain management benefits
  • Is strategies development of procurement procedures and policies
  • Demand management considerations, planning and forecasting
  • Landscape analysis of supplier
  • Price or cost
  • Quality of product
  • Time taken in delivery
  • Place of supply
  • Anticipated future demands meeting
  • Source of sustainability
  • Vendor relations such as purchase orders, contracts and negotiation

LO3: Communicate the outcomes of a service industry research project to identified stakeholders.

  • Integration and holistic approach to supply chain management.
  • Connection between other business functions and supply chain.
  • Factors impacting the decision to integrate the supply chain include the business size, geographical location and its structure, brand, image, competitor profile target market.
  • Aspects of logistics, food miles, transportation, and inventory management
  • Buyer-supplier relationship and integrated logistics
  • Using the networks of logistics to meet the requirements of service
  • Product shelf life and customer demands planning and life cycle
  • A complete approach to optimising and managing the usefulness of the supply chain
  • Disadvantages and advantages of supply chain and central procurement.

LO4: Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.

  • Taking an objective and critical approach to analyse the positive and negative trends.
  • Analysing and identifying the problems and issues within the supply chain
  • Analysing and identifying the difference in local versus International versus regional supply source
  • Generating justified change recommendations
  • Creative, retrospective, and critical thinking supported through evidence for appropriate recommendations and inform plausible.
  • Effective keeping of record
  • Feedback faults or reports or quality registers, lessons learnt logs
  • Motivating record of problems or issues and internal identification within the resolution suggestion.

Assessment Criteria

The learning outcomes of the unit 18 research project is catering the versatile assessment criteria such as:

LO1: Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process.

  • 1.1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a literature review.
  • 1.2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research.
  • 1.3 Evaluate different research approaches and methodologies and make justifications for the choice of methods selected based on philosophical/theoretical frameworks.
  • 1.4 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a hospitality research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.

LO2: Conduct and analyse research relevant to a service industry research project.

  • 2.1 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a hospitality research project that considers costs, access and ethical issues.
  • 2.2 Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research findings and data.
  • 2.3 Discuss the merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis.

LO3: Communicate the outcomes of a service industry research project to identified stakeholders.

  • 3.1 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience.
  • 3.2 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives.
  • 3.3 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make valid, justified recommendations.

LO4: Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.

  • 4.1 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting the objectives of the hospitality research project.
  • 4.2 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.
  • 4.3 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in recommended actions for improvements and future research considerations.
  • 4.4 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the research process leading to recommended actions for future improvement.

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