Unit 11 research project is one of the crucial components of the business subject in HND which is tailored to give students equipped with the knowledge and skills so that they can independently undertake a relevant research project to their studies of business. In this unit a learners need to identify the issues and opportunities of business, development of a research plan and application of multiple research methods to present analyse and collect data. This project motivates critical thinking which allows the students to engage deeply with the particular topic of the business which is for their relevance or interest to their field.
The focus of this unit is on the practical application of the research techniques which need students to demonstrate their potential in project management, analysis and data collection. The learners will typically choose a research topic which is aligned with their academic interest or career goal. Moreover, they can generate the research question and collect the secondary and primary data. The consumption of multiple tools of research including case studies, interviews or surveys provides the encouragement to ensure a comprehensive approach through which the question of the research can be answered.
This unit improves the ability of students to research project management and also develop transferable skills including analytical thinking, communication and time management. At the time of completion of this unit, the learners must be able to present their findings in the professional format of the report which reflects on their outcomes and process of research. This unit is significant in making a student prepare for future roles in the research of business, consultancy and studies of academic life.
Unit objectives
The core objectives of the unit: 11 research project are demonstrated with the explicit agenda of HND learning in the business domain.
- To equip learners with the potential to conduct manage and design a comprehensive project of research utilising the appropriate tools and methodology.
- To improve the critical thinking abilities of students and analytical skills in business issues identification, and data making well-informed conclusions.
- To provide the potential to execute organise and plan research projects within a particular time frame and effective resource management.
- To make students learn the way to present the findings of research with a professional, concise and clear format appropriate for the environment of business.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes of the unit: 11 research project contain the crucial aspects of learning business at the tertiary level such as:
LO1: Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the
Research process.
The focus of this learning outcome is to make learners expect to evaluate and understand the multiple methodologies of research and approaches utilised in the research of business. They need to identify the methods such as quantitative mixed or qualitative. The most appropriate method is selected by the students to the particular nature of their question of research and problems of business. The learners will identify the multiple tools for the data collection including case studies, interviews, and surveys and identify their limitations and advantages. In addition, they also considered the reliability, ethical implication and validation in searching their approaches. The excellence of the learning outcome makes the learners generate a solid foundation for the research. It also certifies that their methods are connected with their objectives and credible result contributions.
LO2: Conduct and analyse research relevant to a business research project.
The focus of this learning outcome is on the practical execution of research. The learners need to apply the methodology of research to identify the learning outcome for collecting the secondary and primary data related to their question of business research. The learners will identify the data collected utilising the appropriate techniques and tools including thematic coding, statistical analysis, etc. It will depend upon the nature of the data whether it is quantitative or qualitative. This potential generates their interpretation the result of drawing meaningful conclusions and accurate outcomes. The students must certify their research to address the objective outlined in the initial plan of the research which provides recommendations for the business issues investigation.
LO3: Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.
This learning outcome makes learners present effectively the conclusion and findings of their research to the relevant stakeholders including clients, academic supervisors or business managers. It includes the organisation of results in a professional concise and clear manner. The students will also generate the skills in verbal and written communication that make sure their final presentation or report is accessible to the audience. Whether this audience reports the business, PowerPoint presentation or executive summary. They also need to design their communication to meet the expectations and needs of their stakeholders by highlighting the recommendations findings and potential impact of the business. It also makes sure that the information is meaningful and actionable.
Lo4: reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.
The focus of this learning outcome is on the significance of the reflection in the process of research. The learners need to critically evaluate the usable methodologies and identify the areas and strengths of improvement. They must reflect on the challenges they encountered at the time of the research process such as data collection problems or time management and the way through which they address them. In addition, the learners must identify the overall research effectiveness in answering their question of research and consider the way through which they refine the future project approach. This reflective practice improves the learning of students and prepares them for the complex task of research in their future careers.
Assessment criteria
The unit: 11 research project contains its assessment criteria which come under the umbrella of the learning outcomes such as:
LO1: examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the
Research process.
- 1.1 Generate a research proposal which explicitly elaborates a hypothesis or research question that is supported through a literature review.
- 1.2 Identify appropriate approaches and methods of research for secondary and primary research.
- 1.3 Identify the versatile methodologies and research approaches and generate justifications for the optional methods chosen by focusing on theoretical or philosophical frameworks.
LO2: Conduct and analyse research relevant to a business research project.
- 2.1 Conduct secondary and primary research utilising accurate methods for the project of business research which considers costs, ethical and access issues.
- 2.2 Apply accurate tools of analytics, analyse data and research findings.
- 2.3 Discuss the benefits, pitfalls and limitations of analysis and data collection approaches.
Lo3: communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.
- 3.1 Communicate the outcomes of research in an accurate manner for the intended audience.
- 3.2 Communicate outcomes coherently to the intended audience elaborating the way through which outcomes meet the objectives set of research.
Lo4: Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.
- 4.1 Reflect on the usefulness of the research process applicable for objectives meeting of business project research.
- 4.2 Consider alternative lessons or methodologies of research learnt in the outcomes views.
- 4.3 Elaborate the engagement and reflection in the process of research leading to recommended actions for improvement in future.
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